Modern technologies
in one place
IT Solutions which suits your needs
You can just call us + 312-561-0804
Expert help tailored to your needs
ExColo LLC is a IT Consulting Firm that specializes in the
areas of Security, Data Center, Mobility, LAN / WAN, and Cloud
ExColo is an established, professional IT services provider
which uniquely meets needs of small, medium and large businesses
across various industries. Our knowledge, experience and work
ethic, along with rapid response time, are attributes that set
us apart from the competition. We tailor our services to fit
your specific IT needs, helping you achieve and sustain optimal
system performance and uptime.
Our goal is to simplify your IT Support requirements and provide
the services you need, by doing this we are able to create a
better IT experience.
According to the survey, over 60 percent of enterprises allow or tolerate employee use of personal devices to access enterprise data. Only a small minority of enterprises, 11 percent, have no plans to allow such usage. Enterprises that allow BYOD expect the primary benefits to be improved employee productivity and satisfaction and better overall security, and 58 percent expect related budgets to increase or stay flat.
In 2014 alone, 47 percent of American adults had their personal information exposed by hackers—CNN.com via the Ponemon Institute